Posted by: calderonfamily | February 16, 2010

Celebrating Alyssa

It  happened on 2.10.10…my little princess turned 4 years old. In fact, when she opened her eyes that morning; she asked “Mommy, am I four, yet? Is it my birthday?” I replied, “yes”and Alyssa shouted ” I always wanted to be four, yippee!!!”

If only we all could appreciate life that way. If only the thought of growing older would provoke thoughts of excitement instead of dread. This is my child, the girl who appreciates the wonders of the world she lives in…through her is a celebration.

I can remember not so long ago the joys of bringing her home from the hospital.  I would just hold her in amazement and appreciation of being her mother. I continue to be amazed with her everyday. She is truly special especially to her mommy.  I am writing this entry to celebrate my sweet Alyssa Leilani…and wishing her the best year ever.

Posted by: calderonfamily | January 13, 2010

Home for the Holidays

Home for the Holidays 2009

As I make my resolutions for 2010, I reflect upon 2009.  It was a great year overall and our holiday season was a reflection of what truly matters to me.


I realize that it is sort of late, but, I wanted to provide the highlights of our holiday season.  It was a time filled with happiness and joy for Mario, Alyssa and I.  I certainly am grateful for every minute that we spent together this season and I look forward to many more years of love, peace and happiness with the people who matter most to me.

Posted by: calderonfamily | December 16, 2009

La Pastorela 12/12/09

“A la nanita nana, nanita ea, nanita ea,
Mi Jesus tiene sueno, bendito sea, bendito sea.
Fuentecilla que corres clara y sonora,
Ruisenor q`en la selva cantando Iloras,
Callad mientras la cuna se balancea.
A la nanita nana, nanita ea.”

…..sang the children of MCM this morning as all their family and friends watched them with kind eyes and loving hearts. MCM students and their families celebrated the birth of Christ  by recreating that glorious night the our Savior was born long ago in Bethlehem.

Alyssa learned about the true meaning of Christmas, had some fun and made some great memories for us to cherish forever.

Posted by: calderonfamily | November 22, 2009

Surviving Chuck E Cheese

As a parent, one of the most exciting or dreaded questions we ask ourselves is ” How do I celebrate my child’s birthday?”  Now, we fall into two categories, parents who love to throw parties or those of us (ME) who much rather bake/buy a cake and sing “Happy Birthday” in the comfort of one’s own kitchen with the family.  But, what do you do when it is cold outside and you have a huge family? Answer: Chuck E Cheese. That is an easy solution to a birthday dilemma.

Then, why is it that most parents I know, dread the place? Or is it just me?

This weekend, we ventured out to Chuck E Cheese to celebrate my nephew Joel’s birthday.  It was the same as when I was a kid: pizza, cake, soda, games, rides,  kiddie entertainment, and CHILDREN (GERMS)EVERYWHERE .  Talk about sensory overload.

But, as I look at the pics that I managed to snap at the party; I saw huge smiles and I  understood why ” it is the place where a kid could be a kid.”

Luckily, our next venture to this childhood fanstasyland won’t be until the next parent in my family, has to answer that important question ” What I am going to do for ____________ ‘s birthday?  LOL!

Posted by: calderonfamily | November 9, 2009

Our Indian Summer Weekend

Indian Summer In Chicago…

Chicago’s weather has always been on the tempermental side with it’s steamy summer days and frigid winter windshields.  However, the weather has been even more unpredictable than ever.  Since I have my summers off, I look forward to my summer outings with Alyssa.  But, this summer was a let down with many days spent indoors due to the rain and dreary weather.   So, as you can imagine, the perfect 70 degree weather this weekend (in November) was a much needed and appreciated consolation prize for everyone in Chicago.

So to enjoy our indian summer weekend,  we spent the time together in the great outdoors. First, we took Diego on a doggie play date to our friend Jesus’ house. While the doggies played, we sat by the fire and made s’mores.  Then, we went on a family outing to the Morton Arboretum. Alyssa was able to see, touch, and explore 11 imaginative animal houses, all built to human-scale.  Later, we hit the ice cream parlor and watched a sunset on the lakefront.  It was a perfect ending to a perfect weekend!

Posted by: calderonfamily | November 2, 2009

Dia de los Muertos


Dia de los Muertos (Day of the Dead or All Souls’ Day) is a holiday celebrated on November 2nd in Mexico, Latin America and within Latino communities in the United States. The holiday focuses on gatherings of family and friends to pray for and remember friends and family members who have died. Traditions include building private altars honoring the deceased, using sugar skulls, marigolds, and the favorite foods and beverages of the departed, and visiting graves with these as gifts.

Many people believe that during the Day of the Dead, it is easier for the souls of the departed to visit the living. People go to cemeteries to communicate with the souls of the departed, and build private altars, containing the favorite foods and beverages, as well as photos and memorabilia.

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This summer I lost someone dear to my heart, my grandfather, Luis Nodal.  Born in Techaluta, Jalisco, he was the oldest of 5 children who lost their mother at a young age.  So his youth was spent  providing for his siblings and  trying to survive while his father worked in the US.   He joined his father in Chicago as a young man. He was eager to work in the Steel Mills and live the American Dream.  He settled in South Chicago and worked for US Steel.  He met my grandmother, Dolores Nodal, while living in “ Bush” and the rest is history.  He had 6 children, 17 grandchildren and 17 great grandchildren.  On July 23rd, 2009, he made his way back to my grandmother who had passed 16 years ago.

I was very close to my grandpa. I looked up to him all of my life for his amazing strength and courage.  I shared my grandfather’s love for “reading” and travel.  I admired his devotion to his family and his generous heart for those who were dear to him.

My grandpa had the pleasure of watching his children raise their own children and was a great source of help along the way.  He then got to see his grandchildren grow into adulthood and have children of their own.  My daughter, Alyssa, had the joy of knowing her great grandpa Luis and creating some memories of her own.  Although, he was not the grandfather of my days, every bit of time that my sweet Alyssa spent with him, was truly special.

So for Dia de los Muertos, I wanted to honor my grandpa and remind Alyssa about how lucky she was to get to know him.

We attended the Dia de los Muertos workshop at Rudy Lozano Library in Pilsen.  There we learned about making an alter and all the traditional ofrendas.  We, also, learned how to make a skeleton (Calaca) out of tissue paper to symbolize a deceased loved one.  Afterwards, we enjoyed some freshly baked ” pan de muerto.”

We then went home, talked about Grandpa Luis and continued to work on some crafts.

Posted by: calderonfamily | November 1, 2009

This is Halloween…

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This is Halloween, This is Halloween….

This Halloween was especially exciting for Alyssa.  First of all, she got an early start to the festivities on Thursday 10/29 because she attended her first school party.  She got to wear her very cute “flower fairy” costume, make her very own pumpkin, make party bags and receive lots of  treats from her friends.  When I picked her up from school, she was so excited to tell me about her day.  This certainly gave her a taste of what was in store for her.

So we had to have the “too much candy talk” and of course my little girl was not accepting the one candy per day rule.  So I had to give her more than the typical explanation because anyone who knows Alyssa will know that she wants to know exactly “why” on everything and anything.  I decided to take a visual approach. So I searched for a lovely video on youtube about tooth decay.  OMG. Let’s just say she heard my message loud and clear.  Pretty gross! If you ever need to scare someone about dental care, this will do the trick. So that settled the too much candy issue.

On Friday we started getting ready for the big day.  We had plans to visit the Creatures of the Night @ Garfield Park Conservatory and then to head out trick or treating with her cousins near our home and finally all get together for some more fun at our house.  Alyssa made a next round of party treat bags for her cousins. I must say she is quite efficient. She made all the bags in no time without any mistakes.  She then got creative and made a special mini pumpkin for each of her cousins as a party favor.

Finally, on Halloween, she woke up so early (almost 7 am) with a huge smile and said “Mommy, it is Halloween. Can I put on my costume?”   I convinced her that she did not want to get her costume messy with breakfast and tooth brushing, so she waited patiently.

We headed out to Garfield Park Conservatory which happens to one of my and Alyssa’s favorite places in the city.  There she saw from afar a chinchilla, an armadillo, an owl, snakes, a bat and other creatures of the night.  She was fearful so we kept our distance.  But, she loved getting her stamps and special treats at each station.  We moved on to eat some lunch while listening to a live band. Alyssa gave them her stamp of approval and moved to the music as she devoured her hot dog.  She drank nasty nectar after making a special craft and got her face painted.  It was quite fun. We’ll be back next year.

Later, we went trick or treating with her cousins in the frigid Chicago weather. All of the parents were exhausted after a few blocks and returned home. Afterall, how much candy do little ones need to celebrate Halloween?  Then we all headed home, watched Alyssa’s all time favorite movie ” The Nightmare Before Christmas” , ordered some Chinese and played some games.

It was a long, fun day.  The cousins went home, Alyssa took a bath and fell asleep. Mario and I popped some popcorn, snuggled under a blanket and watched some cult classic Halloween movies , House on Haunted Hill, 1962 version and  Carnival of Soul,  What a great way to spend this Halloween!

Posted by: calderonfamily | October 25, 2009

Hello World

Sweet Home Chicago

Greetings from the Calderon Family in Chicago, Illinois.  Welcome to our family blog.  We hope to use this as a way to communicate with friends and family far and near about the happenings in our lives.
